Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Begin forwarded message:

From: Health for All Human Beings <>
Date: May 13, 2009 9:44:48 AM PDT

Dear Single Payer Supporters,

As you know, yesterday 5 more single-payer were arrested and  charged with "Disruption of Congress" at the Senate Finance Committee roundtable discussion between senators and experts on the best way to pay for health-care reform. No Single-Payer representatives were at the table.  

Senator Baucus made the following comments after the single-payer advocates made their statements and were removed from the room one-by-one by the police:

"We've got an extremely open process."

"I urge all of you to contact my office and we'll find out a way to talk to you. I'll figure out a way to listen to you.  I'll be there, personally, to listen to you."

So, Single-Payer supporters and leaders, CONTACT SENATOR BAUCUS AND MEET WITH HIM — by the hundreds!   Hold Baucus to his statement that he will meet, personally, and listen to us. Ask that Senator Grassley be present as well.

Ask for a Senate Finance Committee Hearing of all single payer people, and include patient testimonies.  Share the data with Baucus about how 60% of all Americans, doctors and others want single payer, and so on.

Perhaps this will be an opportunity for Baucus to do what the American people need rather than pandering to the wishes of the insurance companies and big Pharma that have given him almost $4 MILLION dollars.  Talk with him about that, too!

Contact information:

Senator Max Baucus

Phone: 202-224-2651

(202) 228-1493 (Fax-for schedule requests)

FAX: 202-224-9412, 202-224-0515, 202-224-5301

Billings, MT office FAX: (406) 657-6793

Senator Charles Grassley, Senate Finance Committee  FAX: (202) 224-5136

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