Monday, May 11, 2009


Re shutting out of MDs and attorneys last week and last meeting this week/last chance:

Single-Payer New York met with Senator Schumer, member of the Senate Finance Committee, on Friday evening. He agreed to ask Chairman Baucus to include a single-payer expert if we can get another Senator on the committee to join him. If you are a constituent of the following Senators, please call and ask them to join Senator Schumer [NY] of the Senate Finance Committee to ask Senator Baucus to include a single-payer expert in Tuesday's Hearing:

Kerry [MA] - Washington DC office (202) 224-2742;  FAX - (202) 224-8525
Ron Wyden [OR] - Washington DC office (202) 224-5244; FAX:  (202) 228-2717
Stabenow [MI] - Washington DC office 202-224-4822; FAX: (202) 228-0325
Rockefeller [WV] - Washington DC office (202) 224-6472; FAX: (202) 224-7665

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