Wednesday, September 30, 2009


From Voting Bloc...

Yesterday the Senate Finance Committee voted down two public option health care proposals.  Even though 65% of Americans favor a public option for health care the vote was a landslide against it (15-8 and 13-10). 

Here is a list of Senators who voted against the proposals and have not earned our votes in their next elections:

Voted Against 1 of 2 proposals:
You can also see how much money in campaign contributions from the health care industry they have each accepted here:

1 comment:

  1. All but one of the senators voting against both proposals are from states west of the Mississippi. The only one east of the Mississippi was from Kentucky. The two voting against one of the proposals add two more to the list, making the tally 12-3 west to east. Wonder what the distribution of those voting in favor is? Those states have a very small percentage of the population of the country and do not adequately represent the will of the majority. This is so wrong. We are allowing a small group of privledged men from less populous states *exception, Texas* tell the rest of the country that the faceless, greedy bureaucrats of the Insurance industry can continue to rob us and deprive us of needed care. VOTE THESE BASTARDS OUT OF OFFICE.
