Thursday, March 31, 2011

CALIF->Need your org's letter re SB 810

Single Payer Now

We Need Your Organization to Write a Letter of Support for SB 810, the California Universal Healthcare Act
Please send prior to April 27 Senate Health Committee Hearing

To contribute to Single Payer Now, click here.

Dear Healthcare Activist,

We need organizational letters of support for SB 810, the California Universal Healthcare Act. See sample letter below.

SB 810 will be heard in the Senate Health Committee on Wed. April 27.

If your organization has previously sent a letter, a new letter is needed for this legislative session (2011-2012).

If you organization would like a presentation on SB 810, please let us know.

We encourage your to forward this alert.

Please let us know how you can help.
___ Yes, our organization has sent a letter of support for SB 810. The organization is ___________________________.
___ Yes, our organization would like a presentation on SB 810.
___ Yes, I have forwarded this alert.
___ Yes, I would like to make a financial contribution to Single Payer Now.
To make a contribution, click here.
Or you can send a contribution to
Single Payer Now
PO Box 460622
San Francisco, CA 94146

Thank you,
Don Bechler
Chair - Single Payer Now


SB 810, the California Universal Health Care Act

Directions: Please use the following letter as a template for your own personalized support letter.

Place your letter on organizational letterhead (if it's from an organization).
Mail or fax the letter to Senate Health Committee -- Fax: (916) 324-0384
Be sure to cc: Senator Leno at (916) 445-4722 or email at
Please also mail or fax the letter to your own legislator found at

March 31, 2011

The Honorable Ed Hernandez
Chair, Senate Health Committee
State Capitol, Room 2191
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 319-2197

Re: SUPPORT FOR SB 810 (LENO) – The California Universal Health Care Act of 2011

Dear Senator Hernandez:

I am writing to express my organization's strong support for single payer, universal health care and for SB 810 (Leno), the California Universal Health Care Act. I urge your support for this important legislation and request that you work hard to bring it to the Governor's desk.

Health insurance premiums are drowning California's working families and businesses who struggle to pay unaffordable premiums that rise as much as 40% each year. As premiums increase, benefits are steadily decreasing - leaving families unable to pay the cost of their care, even when they have insurance.

With national Republicans challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, a model they initially proposed, it is more important than ever for California to continue pushing forward on a Medicare for All single payer plan. Such a plan is the only universal health reform plan that is immune to constitutional challenge and it's the only plan that Americans on both sides of the political spectrum are familiar with and strongly support.

SB 810 will dramatically reduce premiums for businesses and families, cover all medically necessary health care, eliminate the risk of medical bankruptcy, and is proven to contain health care spending over the long term. SB 810 will save California businesses and state and local government millions of dollars in employee health care costs and is the only plan that responsibly funds retiree health care.

Single Payer will help middle and lower income families and businesses that are the backbone of California's economy. SB 810 will create jobs, ease the burden on California's budget and improve health care for every single Californian. California families and employers can no longer afford to foolishly waste 30% of every health care dollar on a private health insurance bureaucracy designed to minimize the payment of claims instead of maximizing the health of the people.

SB 810 would dramatically increase patient choice and provider competition by guaranteeing every Californian total choice over his or her doctors and hospitals instead of the narrow provider networks that restrict choice today. I urge your support.



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Please consider making a donation. | 415-695-7891 |

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