Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SF,CA->Single Payer Now action alert

Single Payer Now
Campaign Opportunities
Can You Help?
To Financially Contribute, click here.
Dear Healthcare Activist, 
I hope you can help support our campaign for SB 810, the California Universal Healthcare Act.  SB 810 would provide healthcare for everyone and spend our resources wisely by removing the insurance industry from our lives.  We encourage you to forward this alert.
Please let us know how you can help.
___ Yes, on Sat. April 2 at 1pm, I can collect postcards in support of SB 810 at a rally to stop collecting fees at the SF Arboretum.  The rally is at the Arboretum's main gate near 9th Ave. and Lincoln.  A number of events are planned to stop the collecting of revenues from working people instead of the super rich.  We will try to be at many of these events to collect cards.  Healthcare services are being cut while the super rich are being given tax breaks.  We take advantage of these events to explain how SB 810 can save money and provide healthcare.  The postcards ask Governor Brown to support SB 810. 
___ Yes, on Mon., April 4 at 11:30am I can help collect postcards at an Oakland rally to protect working people.  The rally is at Frank Ogawa Plaza (Clay at 15th).  This is one of hundreds of rallies planed on April 4.
___ Yes, on Mon. April 4 at 4:45, I can help collect cards in SF at 555 California at the Bank of America. (near Montgomery BART/MUNI stop).
___ Yes, on Sat. April 9, I can help collect cards at the Cesar Chavez parade in SF.  We will assemble at Dolores Park at 10am.
___ Yes, on Sun April 10, I can help collect cards in SF at an antiwar march and rally.  We will assemble in Dolores Park at 10am.
___ Yes, on Thurs., April 14 from 11am to 7:30pm, I can help get out the mail at 531 Grove St in SF. 
___ Yes, On Wed. April 20, I can demonstrate in SF to let Obama know that Californians want healthcare minus the insurance industry.  Details to be announced.
___ Yes, On Sat. April 23, I plan to attend our Single Payer Now meeting on what is in SB 810. The meeting will be 255 9th St at the ILWU hall.  255 9th St. is 2 blocks south of Market and the Civic Center BART/MUNI stop/
___ Yes, On Wed., April 27, I want to go to Sacramento to support SB 810 at the Senate Health Committee hearing.  Our buses leave SF at 10am and from the Ashby BART at 10:30   You must RSVP.  The buses will be filled.
___ Yes, On Sun. June 26, I want to march in the SF Gay Pride Parade in support of SB 810.
___ Yes, on Fri. July 8 through Mon. July 11, I want to go on a healthcare activist backing trip in Yosemite.  You must have your own equipment and food.  Call me for details.
___ Yes, I have forwarded this alert.
___ Yes, I want to make a financial contribution to support the campaign for single payer healthcare.  To contribute, click here.
Or you can send a contribution to
Single Payer Now
PO Box 460622
San Francisco, CA 94146
So many opportunities to build support for SB 810.
I hope see you often.
Thank you.
You are great.
Don Bechler
Chair – Single Payer Now

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