Monday, December 26, 2016

Fwd: Help Single Payer Now Organize To Protect and Expand Medicare for All in 2017

Help Single Payer Now Organize

To Protect and Expand Medicare for All in 2017



Please consider making a contribution to Single Payer Now.

We want to start the year running hard to protect and expand Medicare.  Donald Trump wants to privatize Medicare.  We want to expand Medicare.


How are we beginning our organizing in 2017?

Seven of our members are participating in a national strategy conference to Expand Medicare, January 13 – 15 in New York.

On January 13, we will rally at Trump Towers in NY.

In San Francisco, we will rally and march on January 20 and January 21 to protect and expand Medicare.

On January 27, we are rallying in Bakersfield, CA at the office of Republican Kevin McCarthy, the House Majority Leader. He wants to cut funding for Medicare and Medicaid.

On February 4 in SF, we have scheduled a report back meeting from the New York national conference.

That is just for starters.


Again, please help us protect and improve our healthcare.


To make a contribution, a check can be sent to:

Single Payer Now

P.O. Box 460622

San Francisco, CA 94146


To make a contribution on line, please Click here.


You may also become a monthly contributor.  We will be organizing beyond January.  To make a monthly contribution, Click here.


Thank you.

Don Bechler

Chair – Single Payer Now


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